Saturday, 24 September 2011

Why Am I Here? - What Do I Want To Learn?

Identify and explain five reasons why you chose to study on this programme...
  1. After studying for one year a BA graphic design course at a different institute i have something to compare this course to and when i was talked through what BAGD at LCA is all about i was very impressed, I also went to both instututes end of year graduate show last year so i could compare the level of work and the presentation of the work which I think is a very important factor in Graphic Design and LCA graphic design graduates stood out alot more to me and inspired me more which shows to me that genrally only great things come from this course
  2. Studio culture. The studios are always full of life which is something that did not happen on my last course, which i missed. There is constantly a creative buzz and drive which you cant help but feed off.
  3. Its hard work. I want to be on a course that pushes me and stretches me to the very brink I want to find it hard and I want to make mistakes so i can learn and develop as a designer.
  4. 'Strict' in the sense of there is a great importance on punctuality and attendance, i experienced this on the foundation at LCA and I feel it works as it gets everyone to the studio and makes 'students' act as 'profesionals' getting us to act proffesional and disaplined from the very start is a great thing and is a wake up to the real world.
  5. The fact that the tutors were and are so pationate about the course made me feel really good about it because their passion will be fed into our learning, and makes you feel equally pationate about the course.
Identify and explain five things that you want to learn during your time on the programme...

  1. Everything, I literally want to learn everything my brain is like a sponge right now and wants to suck up as much knowledge as possbile
  2. I want to learn the differences of working for an agency or freelance and which one would suit me best, I want to learn where i fit in the design communitiy
  3. If there are any 'rules' in graphic design and if so i want to learn them and then through that i will learn how to break them.
  4. I want to learn how to manage my time efficiently.
  5. i want to learn a large rage of ways of applying graphic design be it in the technique or the actually outcome.
Identify and explain five skills that you think are your strengths...

  1. I enjoy researching and coming up with ideas and concepts and then developing ideas and coming up with outcomes 
  2. Problem solving
  3. Colours i feel i have a good eye for them.
  4. Broadning my horrizen by looking at praticing designers. I have a terrible memory for names so if you asked me who ive been looking at i wouldnt be able to say but i am constantly look at what different kind of work is out there finding insperation and drive through doing this.
  5. Drawing. I wouldnt call myself an illustrator as i couldnt really imagine myself sitting down and drawing the same thing over and over and over again until it is perfect, but i love drawing and feel it is a skill i have always had.
Identify and explain five skills you want to improve...
  1. Adobe, illustrator in particular.
  2. Have more confidence in typography and layout design
  3. Screen printing as I want to become very advanced in this.
  4. Talking about my own work clearly. Also talking infront of class in presentations.
  5. Knowledge of graphic design.
Identify five questions that you want to find the answer to...
  1. Where do i fit in the graphic industry?
  2. Whats the best way of getting your work out there?
  3. How many graphic designers or companies are there in Leeds?
  4. Do you think graphic design will end up being very digital and lose the print element in the near future?
  5. do you think networking is esential or do you think your work should sell its self?

Identify and explain 5 ways that you will evaluate your progress...

  1. Feedback from tutors.
  2. Feedback from fellow students in the form of formal crits or just genral chit chat about work in the studio.
  3. Self evaluation.
  4. Looking back on blog to see developments.
  5. Asking for opinions from people outside the graphic design community.

Friday, 23 September 2011

10 Elements our group letters have in common.

1. Most of them have been creating digitally and using the Adobe Suite.
2. Most of the are colours on white backgrounds.
3. Most have a running theme throughout, linking each letter to the next.
4. Most people have created capital letters as oppose to lower case.
5. They all conform to the 10cm x 10 cm dimensions.
6. They come from a range of different ideas and backgrounds, mostly stemming from like/dislikes and life experiences.
7. There is a lot of colour used throughout most letterforms.
8. Most letterforms have at some point been hand drawn for the design ideas, even if it has been later digitally enhanced.
9. They are all legible and can be read from a reasonable distance.
10. They all work as a set together.

10 Goals I want to achieve this year.

1. Gain confidence in my work and myself.
2. Take advantage of all of the resources and space around me at college. 
3. Develop my understanding, knowledge and awareness of typography.
4. Learn at every opertunity given to me.
5. Develop my screen printing skills further and further.
6. Further adobe skills.
7. Take full advantage of the supportive tutors around me.
8. Continue to research practicing graphic designers, illustrators, artists, photographers etc as much as possible to broaden my horrisens.
9. Manage my time efficiently and effectively to make sure every project is to a high level and i am proud to say its mine.
10. Enjoy projects, have fun and experiment.