Thursday, 18 April 2013


This module has been the most enjoyable and also beneficial module. It has allowed us to develop who we are as graphic designers, as it was our decision what brief we picked. It is also a very satisfying feeling to see so much work come out of one module.
I feel that this module has helped me develop my time management skills as each competition brief was in at different times and I managed to keep on top and get every single brief in on time. It was also really beneficial to be able to set the time
for how long you want to spend on the brief.This meant briefs stayed fresh and it was also a way of getting your head into gear after it has jammed up from another brief. I am now more aware of the amount of work I can do in said time.
The aspect of submitting work has made me more aware of how important design boards are and how much they can vary depending on the brief. I know feel more confident about doing design boards, where as before this module I never knew what exactly to put on them, how much information etc. now I can feel more confident about my boards and submissions.
Another invaluable skill I have learnt is how to mock thinks up so that they are in the proper con- text, or so that it looks like its been photographed
lovely. I can now purpose things, which will make concept pitches and purposing obscure things that I cant actually make in other modules a lot more clearer.
Areas that I have noticed during this module that
I need to improve are writing skills. By doing the project report and other intensive blogging it has come to my attention how much I am struggling with writing which is effecting how I blog, how long a blog, evaluation etc and will there fore effect my grade, so I need to start working on my writing skills to see if it helps.

I have realised that I have not done any identity or branding competitions which is an area of graphic design that when it is done well I think it is stunning and is something I want to experiment with. So I will keep looking out for these opportunity’s and do it in my own time to develop skills.
A nice thing about this module is that you can actually get acknowledged for your design work by winning the competitions. I was chosen as one of the Secret 7” covers ( poster to the left ) and it is a huge complement to know that you got that brief right.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this module and developed skills that I can take forward into other modules.