Wednesday, 30 April 2014

PPP3 : Winterlight


Myself, Mike and Lizzi decided to pitch for winter light festival as we felt it was a really great opportunity to get involved with a live event. We really liked the fact that this event is about community and helping each other out, it has a real sense of family and it is growing fast.

We thought the pitch was going to be in front of just Janie who set the brief but we soon learned it was in front of 6 members of the winter light festival board when they walked in. This was a bit of a surprise but at the same time exciting as it made the pitch feel even more real. To begin with the members of winter light described in detail who they were and what they were to winter light. Everyone was so passionate about the event which was really great to see and made us even more eager to be a part of it.

Below is the presentation we made for winter light, where our concept was to use light as process (more details about this brief on extend practice blog)

The presentation went really well and we got some really great feedback. I was happy that our ideas spoke to the team and that we had got the audience and feel of the event spot on. They really likes the logo we designed and the fact that we had thought about how we can use light in different ways to create things for the event. They left saying that they were very impressed and that they would definitely want to have us be part of the event even just making a projection or installation. They then took our boards and presentation to pitch for us to the rest of the board that night, and once that was done we would find out if we got the pitch.

A few days later we were contacted by Janie who said that the rest of the board were impressed by our pitch and they want to work with 'Say My Name'. We are all really chuffed with this as we worked hard on this brief trying to make it as unique as possible as we feel this event is very unique and deserves to get as much attention as possible. Getting this pitch has proved to us that Lizzi, Mike and myself all work well together and it is a great opportunity and step forward for Say My Name, the studio that is getting a little bit more real each day.

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