Monday, 13 January 2014

PPP3 : I LIKE BIRDS conversation


I like birds are a really exciting independent studio based in Hanburg. I have followed there work for quite some time as the stuff they do is very unique, concept driven and doesn't follow trends. It is very creative which makes the work they do stand out and appear as very unique. They work across a mixed media, they do not pigeon hole themselves and just work in one particular way which means their work is always evolving and always very fresh and exciting.

I contacted I like birds asking the same set of questions I am putting to other designers as i am getting a good response from them and it is on subjects and topics that are of great interest to me. Once again I did not expect a studio that I admire to reply but they did and I feel it is a great privilege  that any designer takes the time out of there day to respond to me so I am once more very grateful to the kind people out there!

1) Is the process of creating an idea mechanical or is it more of a moment of inspiration what is your process for approaching a brief? It´s a good combination of both. Some parts need thinking to the point, others happen subconsciously. The idea should be connected to the brief and forms the outcome. It is generally a lot about thinking and communication. 

2) Do you think creativity is important within Graphic Design are there any specific areas of design where creativity is most necessary?
It´s depending on the client, the solution and the job. New, clever, unusual and surprising solutions are (mostly) never wrong.

3) If you hit a a wall on a project do you have a specific method for untangling the problem and furthering your ideas?
For us it works out best keeping the assignment in mind and just follow our everyday life routine/activities. Exchanging our thoughts during meetings from time to time helps us getting deeper into the subject. After a while this process generates the ideas automatically. Writing down our thoughts also helps us a lot. We like to carry a notebook with us. Switching of on the weekends became an important part too - breathing fresh air is clearing our minds.

4) Do you have any unusual methods of stimulating creativity, do you see any benefits in learning some?
Methods for creative thinking never really worked out for us. We are rather inspired by art but not so much by »contemporary« sources like blogs on the Internet - we don´t really like sitting in front of the computer all day. In fact, it’s very rare that we read such things, in contrast to books and specific newspapers. In addition to that, we visit museums, and there are lots of stimuli in everyday life. Things that happen on accident and sudden coincidences.

5) Does the design of your studio space influence the way you work?
No. It doesn´t matter.

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