In order for the studio to work I have discussed with the group that our work must be photographed in a similar way which allows for consistency across the website.
There is also an issue of how much work we have produced as a studio, leaving us with a solution of using work that we have produced with the input of others.
The aesthetics of the studio in terms of promotional materials etc will take focus over Easter, at this point in time we are focused on creating content as a studio. We have picked up 2 live briefs and several smaller self set briefs which will form the content for a web launch after Easter.
Points to be discussed
I have many ideas and questions that I need to get off my chest, many are obvious and easily answered, some are harder to think about but aside from difficulty, this are what I want to find out personally.
Manifesto points.
Who do we all know that can help us?
What facilities can we/do we need to use before we leave for summer.
What events are coming up.
Look of studio - which existing studios do we like the look and feel of
Business cards - what are our job titles
Website - individuals as collective or all projects together
Passport have kept own work accounts on behance and websites and use these to advertise the studio by updating everything at the same time. Should we do the same to increase traffic?
What does everyone want out of the first year?
What does everyone want after three years?
Coffee shop working
Desk Camping
Studio rentals
Self promotion stunts (window vinyl example by HSC)
What industries can we target first
Mini zine as ephemera in Village etc.
Who are our competitors?
What exposure can we get locally
What about further away, Manchester, Liverpool, our hometowns.
How much do we each need to make individually for this to work in 1 year?
How much do we want to make in the first year?
Working hours, set or flexi?
Purchase orders each month for new magazines/books/stationary etc.
What are our goals as a collective of people?
Sharing books and equipment or using what we have ourselves?
Legal side, we each get 25% - financial input must be equal.
Do we all understand the risks and constraints?
Do we have landing pages until we set up - what will this look like?
Video with every brief?
We need a blog - who runs it or manages content? - robot Food have different staff each week.
Social media, who manages it?
Client chase ups, who manages it?
Picking work from each others portfolio for new company website - we need content that fits us all.
What industries are our speciality or areas of interest? e.g alcohol/books/installations
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