Tuesday, 22 May 2012


1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them? 

In this module I feel I have developed and learnt many skills that I was not as well educated before. Like for instance the anatomy of type, I knew the very very basics of the anatomy of type but no where near as much as I learned in this module and also the fact that we learnt how to apply what we learnt really helped through the pratical nature of this module. 
Another skill that has proved to be incredibly useful is the use of grid and layout. I now know how important it is to use a grid when designing layouts. I also gained the skill of using Indesign which is a software I now use on a very frequent basis during projects.
Awareness to colour is another skill I feel I have gained, I now know more about the theory behind colour and feel I understand it more and have been able to use colour in projects with more of a rationale.
I also feel I have gained skills in Idea generation in a different way as this is something that we explored with the publication and what is a line briefs, taking a starting and point and seeing just how far you can take it.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? 

I feel that learning the fundamentals of graphic design in this module has helped me massively in my design development process as I now feel more informed in what I am doing, and I am more aware of just how much there is to learn. 
Doing the grid and layout workshop has effected the way I work a lot as I am now aware of grid systems that i wasn't before and so when it come to designing my own work I am more educated, I also could see the importance of drawing out accurate layouts before digitally designing I found this a really good method of working and is something I will continue to use.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these? 

In this module I had an opportunity in a brief to screen print which is an approach in design that I really love and feel it was a strong point in this module. I will capitalise this by experimenting and developing this skill more. Another strength I feel I can identify is learning about the anatomy of type, although I know I still have a lot more to learn about it, I found it really interesting and enjoyed investigating it further. I also enjoyed being more colour aware from the colour theory I now feel when I'm looking around at things more in tune with colour and more able to notice what is going on with colours.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future? 

My main weakness is my bad time management which effected the way I managed projects. I really regret not making and time , letting other briefs and modules come first, to re address briefs from this module more than what I did as I feel I could of gained more. This is something I won't allow to happen again as I can see how I have missed out.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these? 

- I will do more research into the principles as well as practical  as this will give me a greater  

- I will manage my time and make sure that I re address briefs until I feel I have a good    
- Explore colour theory more as this is the one that I found hardest to get my head around
- I want to take advantage of the resources we we're shown such as the photography studio session, as this would be good when photographing end products or  if any future project contained photography.
- Take more detailed notes whilst listening to presentations, this is something I find difficult listening whilst taking notes as I feel I miss things/don't take the information in as well, but if I try work on this by having detailed notes it will give me something to reference and look back on.

Attendance: 4
Motivation: 4 
Quantity of work produced :
Quality of work produced: 3
Contribution to the group:

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