Sunday, 27 May 2012

What is graphic design for?

  •  5 examples of websites/blogs. that will help you to define information and way-finding design.

From researching and looking at information and way-finding graphic design, I can see that it is very important in this discipline to convey information in a very clear way. Way-finding and information graphic design is all about categorising and displaying information in a clear, easy to read way. This is partly achieved by the common use of sans-serif fonts and the use of signs and symbols that are recognised globally.

  •  5 examples of websites/blogs. that will help you to define product & packaging design. 

product and package design is such a wide disciplinary, there are so many products that use packaging, almost everything we buy has some form of packaging. It maybe a thing that is everywhere, but packaging is a very creative disciplinary as it has to be to gain people attention and sell the product as that is its aim after all.

  •  5 examples of websites/blogs. that will help you to define branding & identity design.

Branding and identity is design that is made for a particular person or company. It usually consists of a logo which then used across the whole company which then gives the products brand recognition. Branding can come in all shapes and sizes it can be very corporate and clean or fun and light hearted it just depends on the client as the branding has to reflect what their company stands for/ is about.

  • 5 examples of websites/blogs. that will help you to define editorial and publishing design.

Editorial design is structured and well thought out gridded design, lots of text is used and so are images to layout has to be spot on for perfect readability. Hierachys are used to make the eye look where the editor wants you to look.

  •  5 examples of websites/blogs. that will help you to define retail and & promotion.

Promotion for retail is exactly that it is design thats aim is to promote the product to sell. This can happen in many forms such as advertising, ad campaigns, window displays, packaging, shop layout

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