Monday 28 May 2012


The two time management workshops were very interesting and a big wake up call. I never normally think about how much time is taken up a day but these work shops showed me it is a valuable thing to do. In the first workshop we looked at how we individually spend our time distributed between 3 categories 'social' 'domestic' and uni it was really interesting to see how things divide up and to see how much times gets wasted or not properly used. It was also interesting to work out how many hours commuting took up each week and how much time my job takes up.

The second workshop was more about actually planning our time and using it constructively. It made me realise that if I can plan my time efficiently I can do all my work at uni then go home and relax rather then working 24/7 on projects. The time planner is a really useful resource and the act of planning my times is something that i am going to try and incorporate all the time into my practice.

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