Wednesday, 7 May 2014

PPP3: Lord Whitney

Lord Whitney

Today me Lizzi and Mike went to visit Lord Whitney. Lord Whitney have a lot of people contacting them enquiring about studio visits etc so they decided to put on an event where a select group of those who have contacted them could come for a visit with tea, coffee and biscuits, pretty much perfection.

Their studio is beautiful it is a massive rustic space in the roof of a warehouse. It embodies such character it really is an amazing space and is decorated to perfection. They are in the process of doing it up further and building an indoor treehouse which will be incredible. I find this sort of space really inspiring and would love to be able to find a space like this for our studio endeavours for Say My Name.


Lord Whitney only started working together during the last week of uni, but enjoyed it so much that they decided to continue working with one and other once graduated. They began by just creating things in their bedrooms and houses building a portfolio together as a duo. They worked in jobs such as waitressing etc to fund themselves whilst trying to build what would become the studio Lord Whitney. Which what I am planning to do with Say My Name.  It was really inspirational to hear that you can build up what seems like a dream and make a studio if you have the right drive and passion which I feel myself Mike and Lizzi have.

Lord Whitney advised that when you are starting up you should 'sideways market' which is where you just say yes to everything and don't label yourself so if someone asks do you do illustration say yes, if someone asks if you do film say yes etc think about the consequences later an figure out how to do the things you've just said you do. I think this is a really great way to generate a client base and will definitely take it forward.

They advised that you should try and attempt to find a studio space or atleast somewhere to work occasionally as working from your bedroom is not healthy. They found their space through being nosey and looking around the building when they got the opportunity and they discovered a disused space and contacted the landlord saying they wanted it, the land lord gave them the space for free whilst they did it up and then a very low rent after that as it was just a space he was going to have sit there. I really like this approach as I think there are so many beautiful spaces in leeds that are not used but could be turned into something amazing, but I always thought the rent would be to big but to hear that it was cheap as chips was really great! they advised that people look up and look for rental signs , go for drives, poke around, ask around , be nosey. This is something me Mike and Lizzi will definitely do once we are handed in.


- Believe in what you do with passion
- Momentum - KEEP GOING
- Events - go to social networking events and creative events
- Don't do this for the money there is more to life then money
- use initiative
- get an accountant
- skill swap
- work hard
- Go to workshops

We spoke to Rebeca of Lord Whitney after and she was very encouraging about Say My Name and gave us some great advise. She was really pleased that we are passionate about staying in Leeds as  that is something they spoke a lot about. We all feel more fired up and ready to try our hardest to make Say My Name. We are going to really focus on it once we are handed in and I am very exciting for what it may bring.

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