Thursday, 15 May 2014

PPP3 : Say My Name - Website

Web presence :

At this moment and time we have bought the domain name for our studio set up so that we can sort it ASAP we hand in. We want our website to have a visual consistency. This year we have worked collaboratively together towards the end of the year and a lot of the collaborations have been pitches which are either in the pipeline or that we did not succeed with so the website will be made up of individual portfolio pieces that we feel will represent us as a studio. To create this consistent look we may need to re photograph our work as a group so that we have a visual consistency. Whilst this and other preparation is going on we agreed that we need to keep the momentum high and build up a 'hype' as such. One way of letting people know there is something going on is through the use of website holding pages.

We have developed a concept for our holding page using the classic Hello my name is.. sticker. We feel this is a nice introductory and also works with the studio name of Say My Name as we are introducing our names to the world. We wanted to be in the holding page as we want to be a personable studio where people are aware we are humans, but at the same time we felt that our faces were  irrelevant as they just need to know that we are there and we are human being not what we look like.

Theses are the shots from the shoot that we will use for the holding pages:

I think the images have come out well and deliver the message that we want them too. For the holding page we will use these images in rotation with either a few pieces of our own or something to build the excitement of our studio coming soon.

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