Tuesday, 28 May 2013


At the moment I am interested in the public service of publishing. Publishing design offer such a bredth of design opertunitys and skills and that is why I find it so interesting. I have looked at a number of different sized design studios who speicialise in publishing and It has been interesting to see the wide range of different studios who specialise in publishing. The studios I have looked at are bellow :


Hunt & co



doeller & stater 

random press

catalogue libary 

cafe royal

I am going to analyse Penguin as the large company, hunt & co as the medium and catalogue library as the small

Penguin :

Size - Large 

S - One of the largest publishing companies, they are recognisable and well trusted. Many people choose to publish with penguin which shows the trust and popularity. Due to the size of the company and the fact they domninate the market they have money to pour into other areas of publishing such as promotion which will help with distrubution. Penguin as a brand and design has become iconic which also shows the power that penguin has.
W - As a design house Penguin does not have an online presence. I know that there is a design studio as you can win competitions and the prize is an internship. But , the work they actually do in the design studio is kept under wraped as there is not a website that I could locate showcasing the work.
O - By creating a better online presence they will open up to a wider audience, gain more clients , employees, and be more relevent to this internet world we live in
T - I dont think Penguin has any major threats as they are such a large company it would take something very substantial to rock their boat. A threat could be the fact they dont have a very good internet presence, this could put them behind times. The digital era of books is also another issue.

Hunt & co 

Size - Medium

S - Hunts and co is a succesful design agency so they have the grounding to create a publishing sideline project where they have two succesful magazines, Process Journal and Made. As they have experience with design, both journals are very aesthetically pleasing, but they are also developed well, through the design experiecnce they know how important audience is and how important distribution it. The skills they have through design have been ptut forward into their publishing. They also offer a service for publishing one off peices where they will help the person through every step of distribution. 
W - They only have two magazines, and althought the magazines are established, because they only publish two they are not that well established as publishers. The fact that there are only two magazines on the go at the moment would also make it easy for Hunt and Co to shut down the operation if they had to.
O - They should look to publshing more magazines books etc, or if they are doing so they should document it as a strong web presence is part of distribution.
T - If they don't publish more books and magazines they wont build up a names and wont grow in the industry.

Catalogue Library :

Size - small

S - They have found a niche market of printing for artists and designer, as quick as posible and put together by hand. This niche market means that they have more focus for the range of zines and where they are distributed. They offer a service to other people on a low cost basis
W - The trend of zines might evenutally die out
O - could venture into books if that did happen they already have developed their product by creating libary papers a magazine about deisgn going on.
T - Zines are popular at the moment espeicialy done on riso, so there is alot of competition of people offering similar services, but Catalogue have a foot in the door as they are established.

From looking at three different sized publishers it's been really interesting to notice the different threats they all face. The larger the company the less competition is an issue, where as if you are small the competition is a very large threat. Growth is another thing I noticed, as things need to grow and develop to move up in the industry if you jsut keep at the same thing without developing your product or range there is less change of you moving up. One threat that is a threat to all is the digital book. Technology is evolving so quickly and some people are taking to the electronic book, others not so, but what about in 5 years time, to start with noone really had a phone and now even 7 year olds have phones. I really hope paper books don't get shoved on back burner as the paper and tactile qualities of books is why I like publishing so much, the fact you can touch the design and study it up close. If the industry for publshing did go digital , then I don't think I would feel the same about publishing.

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